Jacqueline Mirsadeghi's photos

Website: Jacqueline Mirsadeghi, photographer

Photo essay: Building a traditional style house in Saveh, Iran

Photo layouts Building a 25 dome warehouse : Layout 1 - Layout 2Layout 3 - Layout 4

Photos of Saveh, Iran: 3 historical monuments

Photos of pomegranates: Saveh: Jardin de grenadiers

Photos of the Ameriha residence in Kashan, Iran

Photos of Abyaneh, Iran, the red village

Photos of the Boroujerdi House in Kashan, Iran

Photos of the Ehsan Guest House in Kashan, Iran

Articles and book reviews of Pomegranate garden

Narestan: Pomegranate garden, text by J.M.

La grenade, ce fruit du paradis, Interview réalisée par Maaike Bleeker et Shâhin Ashkan

Other articles on or by J. Mirsadeghi

L'Iran sous l'objectif d'une photographe suisse, par Maaike Bleeker

I had a pomegranate garden in Iran, text by J.M.

No pomegranates, but artwork instead, text by J.M.

Natanz, les jardins oubliés, text by J.M.

More books on pomegranates

Pomegranate "The most medicinal fruit", by R.A. Newman and E.P. Lansky

The incredible pomegranate, by Richard Ashton

Pomegranate, by G.M. Levin

Pomegranate roads, book

Ann Kleinberg's recipe book "Pomegranates"

The pomegranate, by M.K. Sheikh

Pomegranate information

Short film on Yalda tradition and pomegranates


About growing them: fruitsandnuts.ucdavis.edu/crops/pomegranate_factsheet.shtml

Photos by J.Mirsadeghi for internet sites

Europe et Nature: http://europeetnature.com/

Fruit-Fantaisie: http://www.fruit-fantaisie.ch/boutique

Gym Pilates: http://www.pilates-physio.ch/index_e.html

Photo by J.Mirsadeghi published in books

Guide Olizane IRAN (2001): http://mediatheques.agglo-pau.fr/clientbookline/service/reference.asp?output=PORTAL&INSTANCE=EXPLOITATION&DOCBASE=CAPP&DOCID=0269813

Guide Odyssée IRAN (1999): http://www.amazon.com/s?ie=UTF8&field-author=Jacqueline%20Mirsadeghi&page=1&rh=n%3A283155%2Cp_27%3AJacqueline%20Mirsadeghi

Iran, septembre 1999 / Second retour à Ispahan, mai 2001: http://gallica.bnf.fr/VisuSNE?id=oai_cyberlibris.fr_9782358550277&r=&lang=FR 

Methode Pilates pour enfants (2013): http://www.editions-jouvence.ch/livre/méthode-pilates-pour-enfants